Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Radioman Returns to Cuenca

Sunday we enjoyed the return of our friend Mark Donham, Radioman, on his second South American tour. We saw him in March, after his US and Central American tours. Visit our March post for details.

Mark recently completed a tour of India, including riding the highest auto road in the world at 18,340 feet in the Himalayas on a rented Royal Infield bike. What happens when the bike blows an engine in the middle of nowhere? Read his blog for the exciting adventure:    http://radiomanridestheworld.com/

 His blog has grown from 500,000 hits to 850,000 since we saw him last!

The link on top will entertain you with videos and musical exploration.

Now Mark is touring south and planning a boat trip to Antartica. He future plans are yielded to the Lord's leading.   Total freedom!