Monday, September 24, 2012

El Evento Color Purpura

                               Color Purple Event II

     October 11 we will host the second annual El Evento Color Purpura.

    It has grown considerably this year form a women's luncheon to a semi-formal dinner for all. Tickets are now $20, representing a first class Cena meal.
Our speakers include Dr Avarado, Director of SOLCA, the children's cancer hospital.
"The Band of Doctors" will play to conclude our program.
    Our four sponsors are providing free promotion from Unsion Television (100 spots), La Famila Radio, El Tiempo newspaper and Arco Language Institute .
    We hope to sell out the 250 seats and obtain donations from our friends in the US. Twenty dollars goes a long way here in Ecuador. Tickets are available at Villa San Carlos, Hotel Inca Real, and El Tiempo
All net proceeds go the SOLCA for the benefit of children and their families. Many are so poor that they cannot afford the bus fare to visit their children in the hospital!
    Sue has written a special song for suffering children. She will play and sing it during the event. Gary will close with a short devotion. (The song is below if you desire to listen)
    Visit our Color Purple Event blog: for photos, Sue's children song and a link to donate (US Charitable deduction).
 "You Have Friends" written by Sue
!Hasta las Jueves, 11 de Octubre a siete de noche!