Saturday, October 27, 2012

Blog Summary

                                        Summary of Two Years in Blog

Newcomers and potential Cuenanos are frequently asking questions that are covered in our blog. So here is a summary of some topics covered:

              1. Cultural Adjustments for Living in Cuenca
              2. Real Estate: Rent vs Purchase
              3. Legal and Cedula
              4. Cargo
              5. Travel in Ecuador
              6. Household Budget
              7. International Taxation for US Expats
              8. Ecuador Taxation
              9. Spanish
             10. Medical Tourism
             11. Health Insurance
             12. Guayaquil
             13. Banos de Agua Santa
             14. Cotacachi
             15. Villacamba

 The complete Table of Contents may be seen by scrolling down our blog. Look on the right side.
Always check with multiple sources. Remember requirements are constantly changing!

      Come and find yourself in Ecuador    Enjoy your dreams!

                     Rejoicing in Cuenca,

                              Gary & Sue Gaither