Tuesday, July 18, 2017

US Wills and Powers of Attorney

State Specific Legal Forms Combo Pack for Husband & Wife

  We have recently repatriated to sunny SC.  So we found this straight forward set of legal planning tools.  An attorney wanted nearly $2,000 for these services.  Whew!

State Specific Last Will, Living Will and Power of Attorney for you and your Spouse.
COMBO for COUPLE     Price:  $58.00

Dave Ramsey Forms Combo Pack For a Couple – The Legacy Bundle + FREE eBook

FREE HEAD START KIT FROM DAVE Order now and receive 5 additional forms:(1) Credit Report Form, (2) Financial Statement, (3) Personal Life Planning Form, (4) Estate Planning Worksheet and (5) Financial Peace Monthly Cash Flow Statement. ***For a Limited Time you get Dave Ramsey’s The Legacy Journey eBook! Included with your order.


"I've been endorsing US Legal Forms for several years now. The fact is I don't put my name behind anything if I don't believe in it. U.S. Legal Forms is the only company I recommend for your low cost, state specific legal forms. If you want to save time and money, there's no better choice than US Legal Forms.com." 
Dave Ramsey, on The Dave Ramsey Show         www.DaveRamsey.com

Saturday, June 10, 2017

PEMF- Improve your health!

Improve your health!

We just bought an affordable PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) mat after two weeks of daily research. I tested one that cost $6,000, but it was a MLM (no thanks!)  After four days we felt our bodies are detoxing.  We feel really relaxed following our 10-20 minute morning session.  We change the setting to relax for our before bed treatment.

 PEMF Therapy offers beneficial bioeffects including:

• Promotes cellular health to improve wellness
• Pain and inflammation relief for improved quality of life, well-being and health
• Enhances the body’s self-healing abilities
• Supports and improves bone, tissue and nerve healing
• Boosts energy and athletic performance
• Improves circulation, oxygenation and immunity
• Improves detoxification and elimination
• Improves sleep, stress reduction and cognitive function
• Modulates inflammatory response, reduces oxidative stress, promotes cellular rejuvenation

• Non-toxic, no known side effects

    So look over their website PEMFsupply.com.  They offer a 90 day guarantee, so if your do not have good results, just return it (restocking fee). Look at the 3 minute testimony or 10 minute video.  It opens the cells to receive oxygen and nutrients so the body can heal itself.  If you decide to order use my dealer code"garyg" for a $50 discount (orders over $1000).

 Information on internet says it helps pain and joints  especially.  I am using it for my back problems.  It may help my body heal various issues, including heart problems.  It has been popular in Europe for 20 years, but only recently is becoming widely used in the US.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017


We just started adding this to our morning juice or raw organic protein shake based on a friend's recommendation.  The website explains how to use it.  DE is good for skin, nails, bones and hair.

Website:"this microscopic cylinder has a very strong negative charge. As these millions of cylinders move through the stomach and digestive tract, they may attract and absorb fungi, protozoa, viruses, endotoxins, pesticides, drug residues, E.coli, and heavy metals.
These are trapped inside the cylinder and passed out of the body. In addition, any larger parasites that happen to be in the stomach or digestive tract are dehydrated and pushed out via the bowl.  All of these activities result in a much healthier body with less sickness. We often hear the phrase “I just feel better” with our diatomaceous earth users. This better feeling comes from all the “junk” being removed from the body and by helping maintain a healthy immune system."
DE is very inexpensive and has many uses for humans and pets.  All natural and helps improve health without drugs, etc.

​Diatomaceous Earth: https://www.earthworkshealth.com
​    Rejoicing and improving,

Thursday, May 25, 2017

FBAR 2016

The nice government men request we tell them annually all about our foreign financial holdings.

  FBAR has changed to a new due date of April 18, 2016.  However since this is a change over prior years, there is an automatic extension to October 16.  You must file online using: 


Simply go to that link and follow the instructions.  You will be given an opportunity to click on why you are late.  I clicked "records not available".   

United States persons are required to file an FBAR if:
  1. the United States person had a financial interest in or signature authority over at least one financial account located outside of the United States; and
  2. the aggregate value of all foreign financial accounts exceeded $10,000 at any time during the calendar year reported.

 Due date for 2016 FBARs is April 18, 2017, but a six-month automatic extension of the filing deadline to October 16 is available without having to file a specific extension request. (Previously, the deadline for filing the FBAR was June 30, without regard to the due date of the filer’s income tax return, and no extensions were available.)  E-filing remains the order of the day. Rather than paper filings of old Form TD F 90-22.1, filers must e-file their FBAR, including any delinquent or amended FBARs for prior years, using the BSA E-Filing System. Filers must ensure that their FBARs are received by the due date.